litb transcripts s2e22 – almost a year


This is a poem by Kiri Anne Ryan Bereznai.

– Kiri Anne Ryan Bereznai’s Poem – 

Welcome back to life isn’t that bad. My name is Bailey Rodfield and last night I set alight a bar by singing two- that’s right, not one but two karaoke songs. I love karaoke, I love getting out of my comfort zone and performing to a group of people who are probably going to be a little bit more understanding than most if I flub up a word or aren’t exactly heard. I’d like to thank Kiri so much for recording her beautiful poem for the show this week. I told you that we would be having some very interesting things to look forward to in the coming episodes, and I do not think that I did not deliver on that promise. Life isn’t that bad. It feels good to say that- and my voice is a little raw this week and I apologize for that, but I know that whoever listens to my show sees me. I know that with all of my faults and mistakes, if you’ve taken the time to listen to this show or if you’ve gotten this far at all in my podcast- if you’ve clicked on it and just listened out of curiosity- thank you, that means a lot to me. I am out in the public quite a bit nowadays, and I had dinner last night with a group of wonderful people who said “podcasts aren’t really my thing”. I get that- but at the same time they’re my thing, and I wanna share my heart with the world. We’re gonna have a couple more poems this week, and we’ll see where it goes. 

rock to the rhythm – 

almost a year on estrogen – 

Life is so crazy, isn’t it? I’ve taken you around a little bit of recent moods and feelings that I’ve been going through, and I hope that you’ve enjoyed it. Now it’s time for the ‘thank you’s. I would like to say thank you to lara for the use of your music in my show- I’m so glad that I got to meet you and I’m glad that we connected, and I think I’ve told you as such through personal messages, but I’d like to reiterate again here. Thank you so much to sadgrandpa for working so hard to transcribe episodes of the show. And, last but not least- thank you so much once again to Kiri for the poem that you submitted to my podcast, it was more than I ever could have hoped for. It was beautiful, and I hope that if there are any trans people listening to this episode right now: I hope that Kiri and I have been able to provide you some hope and some comfort. Because, let me tell you, I don’t know where you might be on your journey right now, but it gets better. Life isn’t that bad- I’m staring into the microphone as I say this and I know it to be true. Because in my times alone I fear death greatly. I only have this one life to live, and if I’m going to spend it being miserable, then what’s the point of living it in the first place? That’s why I chose to be trans. That is why I am a proud transgender woman- because I took steps for myself to ensure that I am the happiest that I can be. And it has cost me greatly. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. My name is Bailey Rodfield, and I would like to remind you once again that life…isn’t…tha—-*static* *beeping* what’s…*static* *electronic glitching* what’s happening? *static* I’m getting some… *voice cutting out* some weird… *distorted voice, static, echoes* *beeping*

– This episode of life isn’t that bad has been transcribed with the help of: Bailey Rodfield, lara, and sadgrandpa –

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